PICKS OF THE WEEK – Nov. 18, 2020:


  • RORSCHACH #2: Tom King and Jorge Fornes deliver the goods in the second issue of this Watchmen double sequel you never knew you wanted. The issue is a slow burn as Tom King likes to really draw out his stories and pack a lot of text and tension into an issue. The beauty of this story though is there is a pay off at the end. The issue delves deeper in the life of Wil Myerson, the reclusive pirate comic artist, as our head investigator tracks down his apartment and gets a glimpse into his life, and where Rorschach may have first struck before his ultimately demise. Fornes’ art holds the weight of the issue with terse movements and moments for characters to an incredible scope of scale from the issue’s beginning to end. King seems to have a grasp on the story telling both Alan Moore and the writers on the Watchmen show under the steady hand of Damon Lindeloff got right which is everything means something and even in the smallest idiosyncratic scenes King stokes the simmer of the stories’ fire and brings it to boil. Hopefully, the payoff will be worth it as King continues to dive deep into a commentary of the life blood of comics and what it does to society and the individual over time.

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  • SYMBIOTE SPIDER-MAN: KING IN BLACK #1: This issue, kicking off the whole line of King in Black stories, does not disappoint in the slightest with the talented workings of writer Peter David and Greg Land. The issue follows multiple viewpoints, from Peter Parker still rocking the black suit from the eighties, all the way to the Moon as we find Uatu the Watcher meeting up with one of Marvel’s most dangerous villains as something heavy, dark, and pendulous is coming and ready to bind them together. This story is pulled in a bunch of vastly different directions but David makes it work so swimmingly, and with the help of Greg Land’s art the issue goes off without a hitch. Simply put this is what so many comics strive for, just a fun issue with a lot of twists and turns that give you your money’s worth of big action entertainment and super heroics. This event looks like it’s going to be a big one and it seems the minds at Marvel are taking it stride having as much fun as possible bringing you straight up super hero satisfaction the only way the house of ideas knows how.

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  • RECOUNT #1: For a such a tumultuous time as the present in the USA, this new series from Scout Comics is not for the faint of heart or politically disinterested. This series is unapologetic in its views of how the world is turning towards violence and extremism, where we seem to be the razors edge of a flash point in American History. Parts the purge, 24, The West Wing and any of the 24-hour news channels, this story shows us the darker side of giving into mob rule and what happens when the power structures in our society are uprooted at the highest level when people feel disenfranchised by the system those powers helped perpetuate. The title is timely enough and Writer Jonathan Hedrick is unafraid to give you a nightmare we all may have in the back of our minds these days. Gabriel Ibarra-Nunez does a great job with art and layouts and builds the tension very nicely with how the issue plays out. This book is also for sure only for mature readers, if the current climate is a lot right now maybe skip this one for another time, but if you want to stare down your fears give this a shot.

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